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Network & Partners

The fabric and infrastructure of Tourism has been profoundly disrupted by Covid, particularly in Asia and it is unlikely that the low cost high volume and extractive model on which success and growth was based will ever return in the same way.

Navigating the transition now depends upon the tourism system adapting in smart ways to immediate challenges as well as repositioning itself for a post normal future .


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Dr.Michael McAllum

Dr. Michael McAllum is an internationally recognised speaker, author and facilitator-consultant. Based in Melbourne, Michael’s work and writing as a macrohistorian is at the intersection of futures thinking, systems transformation and structured conversation. His focus is on developing pathways for countries, sectors and companies as they seek to adapt to high levels of uncertainty that exist in the existing transition phase that has little or no clear future narrative.


He was a key architect of the New Zealand Foresight Project, the Strategic Foresight Lead for the Chôra Foundation and Chief Steward of the Centre for the Future Academy. He was a foundation member of the Association of Professional Futurists and is a member of the Oxford Futures Forum. In addition to the book Designing Better Futures and numerous essays and book chapters, Michael was instrumental in defining the concept of strategic foresight and co-authored a book on the subject in 2001.

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Professor John Kowdowski

John Koldowski is currently a Professor and Foreign Expert within the School of Tourism at Leshan Normal University, Sichuan Province, China. He continues in his role as a researcher and educator – the latter to pass on his knowledge and experience to prepare the next generation of tourism specialists to enter the workforce with a deep and practical understanding of the dynamics and systems of today’s travel sector.

Prior to that appointment, John was with the College of Innovation at Thailand’s Thammasat University, and a founding member of the Tourism Action Group (TAG) at the same institution.  He was also part of the Secretariat for the PATA Thailand Chapter while living and working in Thailand


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Professor Timothy Lee

He is a Professor in the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST), and an Adjunct Professor in the Griffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT) at Griffith University in Australia. He has published more than 310 research articles in academic journals, books, and conference proceedings including in 85 SSCI-listed journals (100 in A+ or A-tier journals in the ABDC and 95 in the SSCI-listed journals). He has delivered specially invited lectures or keynote speeches 94 times from 20 countries. Prof. Lee was granted to conduct 26 competitive research projects in 5 countries that are valued at more than 4 million US dollars in total. He has successfully supervised 18 Ph.D. research students in tourism studies. His research interests include medical/wellness/health tourism, identity issues in the tourism industry, cultural heritage tourism, and tourism development which incorporate East Asian values.


Prof. Timothy Lee was awarded a bachelor’s degree from the Seoul National University, Korea, and then moved to the USA to complete an MBA program at the Long Island University in New York. Having worked in a variety of tourism and hospitality industry positions in Manhattan, NY for 7 years, Prof. Lee went to the United Kingdom to be awarded a master’s degree (International Hotel Management) and then a Ph.D. (Tourism Development) at the University of Surrey.

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Dr. Chompunuch Jittithavorn

Dr. Jitthavorn (C.J.)  is currently an Assistant Professor in the College of Management at the Phayao University’s Bangkok campus.  C.J. gained her Ph.D from Otago University in New Zealand in Tourism management and has a Masters from Bournemouth University in the UK. She has lectured, researched and lead both undergraduate and post graduate about tourism management and related issues across Thailand for over a decade and is widely regarded for her knowledge of Thailand’s tourism industry. 


C.J. has particular interests in tourism behaviour and marketing, MICE tourism, health and Wellness tourism, cross border tourism and tourism policy and planning. She is also a reviewer for a number of academic journals including the International Journal of Hospitality and Management and is a research coordinator or committee member on a number of governmental and university projects focused on the future development of tourism in Thailand.

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Dr. Aaron Tam

Lecturer in the School of Management, University of the Sunshine Coast, Buderim, Australia.

Aaron’s dissertation was on the influence of social media in destination choices and he has been engaged in writing, keynotes and projects that explore how the emerging technology and the network society will reshape the nature of tourism. He has also a special interest in the impact of tourism on indigenous communities across Asia and best practices in such environments. 


He is an Australian Research Council grants assessor , a member of the editorial Boards of two prominent tourism journals and a panel member of the Committee of Brisbane’s future economies project. He has explored how airlines should be positioned in the future economic narrative and has a thought leader in the development of new and ethical new business models in toruism..


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The Chôra Foundation

Chôra exists to enable complex social systems with transformational intents take decisions about themselves.


Chôra designs programs of work that help people, organisations, institutions and systems navigate a world of rapidly increasing complexity through strategic and transformational innovation.

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Global Foresight Network

The Global Foresight Network is a niche network of thinkers, designers, researchers, facilitators and alliances. We focus on the use  of strategic foresight to create organisational and city architectures that are future sensitive, adaptive and resilient. Our mission is to be recognised globally as ‘future architects’ who design better futures. To do this we:


  • Use clarity of a future view to inspire current performance.

  • Focus on the future as the basis for design and renewal.

  • Use systems based approaches to create strategy and change.

  • Build roadmaps and journeys to move at the right speed from where we are now to where we want to be

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